The Best Anime Openings of 2012


This post got way too many videos.

With the “12 Days of Christmas” posts finished, let us get started with the 2012 year-end lists! To kick it off, I will show you some of my favorite anime openings from this year! Continue reading

12 Days of Christmas 2012 #05 – We Got Some Great Anime OSTs This Year


It is fairly unusual for me to notice the music in anime unless it really stands out. This is not a bad thing in itself, because not noticing it can be a sign of it blending in very well with the anime itself. Sometimes the music can also stand out so much it actually becomes distracting (which is my biggest concern with the Hunter x Hunter (2011) remake).

But every now and then we have anime with such gorgeous music that I directly look up the soundtrack. It is the kind of music that stands out without detracting from the experience. The music may not always be put to good use by the studio at times, sadly, but it still remains kickass in its own way.

This year had some great new anime OSTs I wish to share with you, one track at a time. Continue reading

Spring 2012 Impressions – Halfway There

I know, right?

With school soon over, there will be plenty of time for good weekly scheduling for blog posts. As the situation stands today, I cannot say I am very proud over the results, with tons of posts one month and barely any in another. The following summer will be a lot of fun in return, I can assure you!

But now, it is time for my impressions of the spring 2012 season! Hope you enjoy it! Continue reading

Spring 2012 Previews – What I Will Watch

Hey, do you know what time it is? It is anime season preview time! And this time, it is for the spring season, the wonderful wet new beginning of the year! So what are we waiting for? Let’s get cracking!

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